quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2009


(daqui -- vale a pena, 4realz.)

sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2009


Once upon a time there was indie porn, a field of reflection and action where libertarian forms of exploration led to an extreme deconstruction of the mysoginist and heterocentric violence of commercial pornography, substituting it with a playful, independent, feminist and queer pornography, characterized by fluctuating and self-represented bodies. We once engaged in digital forms of experimentation with online texts, where bodies became a battlefield and the forms of self-representation shifted the ethics and esthetics of “Do It Yourself” to the digital realm. Today all this has given way to the emergence of markets of social networks which sell porntainment products built around identity niches, aimed at a fifteen-second masturbation, depriving indie porn of its original subversive and experimental meaning.


domingo, 3 de maio de 2009

ajuda PLZ

(via corporate maltstream 'edgy' fashion)
alguém consegue descobrir a origem / link para ensaio inteiro?

eu e sasha grey - mesmo gosto pra câmeras de vídeo?


o famoso tumblr "BUNDAS"

(f: *wink*)


(f: ?)